


St Andrews League



About us


Message from Keith Walker



Romans 5:5b

"God has poured out His love into our hearts

by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us."

The glorious reality of this verse is breathtaking!  It's a thrilling and exciting reality to read for us, who belong to Jesus.

The Spirit of Jesus Christ lives inside his people!  It is by His Spirit, that God makes sure that we know the reality of His love.  It's by His graciousness, that God Himself has "poured" His love into our hearts.

Our original heart problems have been solved by Christ.  Our hearts would turn away from God, but in His love He grabbed us.  God made us His people and poured His Spirit into our hearts.

It's in this new reality that God made us His place of dwelling on Earth, residing in us, His people, by His Spirit.  There, in all this wonder, God poured His love into our hearts that we might know the Glory of Christ's name.  The never-failing love that will hold us until we live in His Kingdom, a new heaven, a new earth, forevermore.

